Monday, January 23, 2006

Perhaps if I correctly answer the Bridgekeeper's questions, I'll get my new machine...

My quest for a sewing machine has transformed into something similar to a Monty Python film. As I wrote last week, I had ordered one from Amazon and it was on its way via postal mail. Well, it did arrive, but referring to it as being less than adequate would be a considerable understatement. It was approximately the size of a gallon of milk and apparently for use by young girls to sew coordinating separates for their Barbie Dolls. Needless to say, I returned it and am now shopping the various department stores for a suitable machine. I will have one by next week's post; promise.

Otherwise, things have been ordinarily domestic. This past week has been busy with reorganizing cabinets and closets, clearing out unnecessary clutter from the house. (Mind you, at the moment it is all being collected in the basement, but it will be completely removed from the house soon). However, cooking has nearly taken precedence over cleaning, as I've become quite addicted to menu planning, recipe testing, cooking websites and also cookbooks, of course. (It's just so much more fun to cook and eat, than it is to clean and launder.) Still, I'm slowly achieving a balance between these two pillars of domesticity.

Until we meet for coffee,

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