Friday, February 3, 2006

Zen and the Art of Sewing Machine Maintenance

I realize that Friday is not the usual day for posts, but since I've been somewhat productive on the Singer this afternoon, I thought I'd write the weekly update a few days early (especially since Monday will be a busy day, spent mostly away from the computer). This past week has been one more devoted to planning, rather than an enormous amount of doing. I have decided to try and eat healthier, exercise regularly, and get a better quality of sleep, since my GP has strongly recommended it, again. By eating healthier, however, I do NOT mean, "diet," I simply mean try to decrease the bad foods and increase the good foods. Actually, since being a stay at home wife, I've already been doing that, but the exercise bit, well, um....not so much. I've just recently gotten the daily meal planning, routine chores, and daily/weekly/monthly household maintenance schedules worked out; I haven't quite gotten 'round to establishing a daily sleep schedule and weekly workout schedule yet. Still, it shouldn't be too difficult to introduce a regular workout schedule and somewhat regular bedtime, but I refuse to watch my cholesterol! I'll spare my usual diatribe that normally follows a declaration such as that.

As I first mentioned above, I did some sewing this afternoon, and it went much better than when I previously sat down in front of it on Wednesday. At this point, I should say, "thank you," to Autumn (my favorite Domestic Goddess), who enlightened me on the method of avoiding extremely crooked lines (seams). I was telling her about hating going slowly to try and make straight lines, when she said, "What are you talking about? "That's what those guides are for!" And then, she laughed and laughed, much like yourself, as you are reading this post. I am quite intelligent, but patient I am not, especially when it comes to reading manuals, directions, etc. I had never bothered to read anything characteristic about that metal plate, above the bobbin, which shows lines for guiding the fabric. Now she can ridicule me!

I'm sewing relatively straight lines this afternoon, but my apron remains questionable. It has to do with patience again, since I have decided that sewing patterns and myself are not to be friends. I am slowly becoming friendly with the sewing machine and I am already great friends with my stove, but I am positive that I will never be friends with sewing patterns. Acquaintances, maybe; friends, never. Therefore, I carried on, sewing without the pattern and well, the apron is questionable. It's because these patterns are very similar to those mathematical word problems and equations, where I could usually get the correct answer my way, but not usually with their formulas and variables. So while I haven't yet managed to sew any professional looking products, I have at least managed to become much more comfortable with my sewing machine. But patience...

Apparently, sewing is an art of practiced patience and I am not a person of patience. I've done many things in my life, but never has any of it been done with patience. (Admittedly, much was learned, "the hard way," because of this.) Why am I suddenly afraid that a sewing machine may become my albatross? I have resolved to not let this happen. On the contrary, I must practice, with patience, this deliberately steady art of sewing. I must overcome any obstacles (sewing patterns) that attempt to impede my goal of mastering mechanical stitchery. I am determined to discover the mysterious peaceful joy of those enlightened seamstresses.

Until we meet for coffee,

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